22, Jan, 2025
Eating Disorders (A Trip to a Mental Health Counselor)

Eating Disorders (A Trip to a Mental Health Counselor)

visit a mental health counselor for your eating disorder

. Eating disorders have many types, and all are equally fatal. Eating disorders are not just tied to food but also to mental health conditions that affect your appetite and emotions. Like any mental illness, it requires the intervention of medications and talking to a mental health counselor to address the situation.

Types of Eating Disorders

This article aims to tackle common types of eating disorders.

Anorexia Nervosa

People with anorexia nervosa sabotage themselves by self-starvation. They limit their food intake and will, therefore, excessively lose weight. The obsession with starving themselves because of the fear of gaining weight (even if they are severely underweight) will likely lead to death. The disorder is common among teenagers and young adults.

Bulimia Nervosa

visit a mental health counselor for bulimia

Bulimia nervosa is as severe as anorexia nervosa, it’s popularity amongst teenagers, and young adults are notable. Bulimia is a life-threatening eating disorder defined by self-inflicted vomiting to reverse the effects of too much eating. Unlike the anorexic people, bulimics eat a lot of food until they are full and then force themselves to vomit out how much food they ate. Vomiting, fasting, and using laxatives to get rid of food binged are typical behaviors of bulimics.

Binge Eating Disorder (BED)

People with this disorder are defined by the intake of large amounts of food (in a specific number of times) without self-control then become depressed and disgusted with themselves by their behavior. Unlike the first two, this eating disorder doesn’t purge.

If not addressed, it can lead to weight gain or obesity, heart diseases, and high blood pressure.

Seek Medical Help

If you have doubts if you have one of these eating disorders, you should see a doctor or a mental health counselor. An eating disorder can be tough to take care of by yourself. If the eating disorder is not treated, it can lead to severe complications and might even take lives. Don’t be afraid to see a doctor.


Untreated eating disorders can have severe effects on your body. If not treated, it can lead to depressive episodes and might trigger suicide. Here are possible treatments your doctor will prescribe you:


Research advises that drugs such as mood stabilizers, antidepressants, and antipsychotics will help you fight the depression that comes with the eating disorder and the urge to purge.

Psychotherapy and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) 

Talking about it will unload your mental burden at the same time gives the doctor an idea of how you can fight your eating disorder. By undergoing CBT, you have the power to rewire your brain and tell it to stop.

Find a Support Groupyou need a mental health counelor

Support groups make you feel that you have company, and you’re not fighting the battle alone. You won’t feel lonely or judged when you share your story. You’ll feel empowered and motivated. And lastly, you’ll learn more about your disease and how to fight it.

The Bottom Line

Eating disorders can be disruptive if not treated. Eating disorders are made up of obsessions about your figure and food. Those mentioned in this article are only three types of eating disorders. Other types include Pica, Rumination Disorder, Avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder, Purging disorder, and Night eating syndrome. So it’s essential to visit your doctor to have you checked and treated.