What is trypanophobia?
Trypanophobia is commonly known as needle phobia. People who have trypanophobia have an extreme irrational fear of needles. This fear of needles can often have a negative effect on people’s lives because the person’s needle fear can stop them from seeking out certain medical procedures especially if needles will be involved in the procedure. For example there are patients who neglect their dental appointments because they fear the anesthetic injections before a tooth extraction. Visit this page to read how such patients can overcome this fear.
For most people who suffer from needle phobia, it starts at a young age. Many people who visit the dentist or doctor during childhood have their fear of needles start at this age. However, most of the population that has this type of phobia will not have it once they reach adolescence and adulthood.
How is needle phobia caused?
Experts cannot pinpoint an exact and definite cause for trypanophobia because the conditions may be different for each person. There are many ways by which needle phobia can be caused.
Children are naturally afraid of being hurt
For small children, it is natural for them to feel scared of needles and other sharp objects because they are not yet used to feeling small and mild pains. It is normal for most children to be afraid and anxious when it comes to procedures that require the use of needles.
Bad experiences with needles
The first and most obvious cause of trypanophobia is because of a negative experience that a person has had in the past concerning needles. They may have had a painful experience in the past during a medical procedure that used needles.
Many of these negative experiences may have happened when the affected people were younger. In many cases, these childhood memories may be exaggerated, this is why the needle phobia is able to stay with a person until adulthood.
Hearing about other people’s experiences with needles
If a person (especially a child) will hear about other people’s negative experiences with medical procedures that involve needles, it can have an effect on them. They may be expecting to have a similar bad experience with the needles as well, and it can give a negative connotation to these procedures for them.
If other family members have trypanophobia
Some people may develop needle phobia because some of their family members had trypanophobia before them. This suggests that the needle phobia may be hereditary, although there is no solid evidence to support this theory yet.
Changes in brain chemistry
There may be certain changes in the chemistry of the brain that can affect if a person has trypanophobia or not. These changes can induce an increase in anxiety and heart rate of a person and make it almost impossible for them to be at ease during dental and medical procedures.
Effects of needle phobia
Having needle phobia can affect a person in many negative ways. Here is a list of the most common effects that trypanophobia can have on a person.
They avoid going to the doctor or dentist
The natural reaction of a person who needs to have a dental or medical procedure that concerns needles will be that they will try to avoid having to come into contact with any procedure that requires them to come into contact with needles.
They will try to avoid any dental or medical procedures that need needles to the extent of not going to the dentist or doctor even when the situation urgently calls for it. In instances like those, it will be very difficult for doctors and dentists to monitor any health or oral issues that may be forming. If the treatment is needed, and the person does not show up for treatment because of their trypanophobia, there is a chance that their overall health may be affected because they are not getting the treatment they should be getting to correct any underlying dental and overall health issues.
Severe anxiety
A person who suffers from trypanophobia may experience an increased heart rate because they are very anxious about the medical procedures that they will have to undergo. Their heart rate can increase as the time of the procedure gets closer.
How to know if you have a needle phobia and how to get over it
It is fairly simple to know if you have trypanophobia. If you have an increased heart rate and feel anxious even at the mere thought of needles coming close to you, you have needle phobia. The increase in heart rate and anxiety are the body’s natural reaction to something that you are afraid of.
When it comes to phobias, there are some that you do not need to get over, because you being afraid of them will not affect a big part of your life and overall health. However, trypanophobia is different because it can have a drastic effect on your health if you reach the point of avoiding necessary dental and medical procedures because of your needle phobia.
The first step is admitting that you have the fear of needles. It will be much easier for you to deal with your needle phobia if you acknowledge it. The nest thing to do is talk to your doctor or dentist. They will be happy to discuss the dental or medical procedure to you, tell you why you need it and why it will be beneficial for you. It will also help your fear if you are able to get near one of the needles that will be used on you. They may look intimidating and scary, but it will help you gradually get over your fears if you see that there is nothing to worry about. These needles are tools that will help with the dental and medical procedures, when placed in the hands of a skilled doctor or dentist.
Do you have needle phobia?
If you have trypanophobia, you do not need to let it get the better of you. It is still possible for you to seek medical and oral health treatment despite your needle phobia. If you have dental phobia, it is also good to talk to your dentist. Talk to the medical professional you are going to have your procedure with. They will be more than happy to help you put your anxiety to rest and remove any qualms you may have because of the procedures you need to have done.